
This manual shows how to use the package by using it to sample a set of uniformly distributed Bell diagonal states and to analyse their entanglement properties. Here, we apply criteria for separability and entanglement to determine the entanglement class of generated bipartite qutrits, i.e. d=3. In this system, bound entangled states, i.e. entangled states with positive partial transposition (PPT) that cannot be used for entanglement distillation, exist. The entanglement classes are labeled "SEP" for separability, "BOUND" for bound entanglement, "FREE" for entanglement with negative partial transposition (i.e. distillable) and "PPT_UNKNOWN" for PPT states that could not be classified as entangled or separable.

Package installation

BellDiagonalQudits can be installed using the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run

pkg> add BellDiagonalQudits

The package can be loaded via

julia> using BellDiagonalQudits

State generation

Create a basis of maximally entangled bipartite Bell states in d^2 dimensions. Each Bell basis state is created by applying a certain Weyl transformation to the maximally entangled state. Sample Bell diagonal random mixed states of those Bell states, represented by their d^2 coordinates (mixing probabilities) in the Bell basis.

Bell basis generation

Create a Bell basis myBasis by applying each of the d^2 Weyl transformations W_{k,l} \\otimes \\mathbb{1}_d to the maximally entangled state.myBasis.basis contains the enumerated Bell states in computational basis together with the indices of the corresponding Weyl transformation. myBasisDict contains the dictionaries to relate the enumerated d^2 Bell basis states to the double indices (k,l) of the corresponding Weyl transformation.

d = 3
myBasis = create_standard_indexbasis(d,10)
myBasisDict = create_dictionary_from_basis(myBasis)

State sampling

Create uniformly distributed random representations of quantum states by specifying the coordinates of the state in the created Bell basis. The coordinates represent the mixing probabilities of the Bell basis states. Here, we create only states with Bell coordinates within the "enclosure polytope", which is defined by the limitation of all coordinates (mixing probabilities) to be smaller than or equal to 1/d. This subset is known to contain all (but not only) states with positive partial transposition (PPT), which can be separable or bound entangled.

myCoordStates = uniform_bell_sampler(100, d, :enclosurePolytope)

Create DensityStates including the density matrix of each state in the computational basis, created by mixing the Bell states of myBasis according to the coords of myCoordStates.

myDensityStates = map(x->create_densitystate(x, myBasis), myCoordStates)

Analysis prerequisites

Now create the analysis objects required for the entanglement classification using several criteria for entanglement or separability.

Separable kernel polytope

The kernel polytope is known to contain only Bell coordinates that represent separable states. It is defined as the convex hull of vertices related to special separable states called "subgroup states". The related kernel check tests if the Bell coordinates of a given unclassified state are contained in this convex hull and thus indicates separability.

mySepKernel = create_kernel_polytope(d, myBasis)

If additional separable states newSepDensityStates are known, the kernel polytope can be exteded to a larger convex hull in order to improve the kernel check for separability. For a (trivial) example, consider the separable, maximally mixed state having all Bell states mixed equally with probability 1/d^2. First,specify the coordinates in the Bell basis and set the eClass of the corresponding CoordState to "SEP". Then, calculate the density matrix and create the DensityState. Finally, extend the kernel polytope mySepKernel by the array containing this separable state.

maxMixedCoordState = CoordState(1/d^2*ones(d^2), "SEP")
maxMixedDensityState = create_densitystate(maxMixedCoordState, myBasis)
newSepDensityStates = [maxMixedDensityState]
myExtendedKernel = extend_vpolytope_by_densitystates(tovrep(mySepKernel), newSepDensityStates, 10)

Weyl operator basis

Use the Weyl operators to construct a basis of the space of (d^2,d^2) matrices. This object is used for the spinrep check indicating separability according to the representation of the density matrix of a given state in this basis.

myWeylOperatorBasis = create_bipartite_weyloperator_basis(d)

Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs)

Create the a set of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) constructed with the Weyl operators and represented in the computational basis.

myMub = create_standard_mub(d)


Generate entanglement class conserving symmetries represented as permutations of state coordinates in the Bell basis. Given a classified state, the orbit, i.e. the set of states that are generated by applying all symmetries to the classified state, is known to be of the same entanglement class. The symmetries can be used to improve the entanglement classification.

mySyms = generate_symmetries(myBasis, d)

Entanglement witnesses

Generate n numerical entanglement witnesses by numerical optimization over the set of separable states. Here, the entanglement witnesses are represented by their coordinates in the Bell basis, an upper, and a lower bound. For all separable states, the inner product of the state and witness coordinates obeys these bounds. A violation of the inner product of an unknown state and the witness thus indicates entanglement. Use iterations runs to improve the determined upper and lower bounds. Other optimization methods than the default NelderMead can be used.

n = 2
myOptimizedEWs = create_random_bounded_ews(
myOptimizedCoodEWs = map(x->get_bounded_coordew(x), myOptimizedEWs)

Entanglement classification

Analysis specification

Specify, which entanglement checks to use. See properties of type AnalysisSpecification. In this case we check separability with the kernel and spinrep check and test for entanglement using the ppt, realignment, concurrenceqp and numericew check.

myAnaSpec = AnalysisSpecification(

Apply analysis to all generated states

If useSymmetries == false in the analysis specification myAnaSpec use analyse_coordstate, else use sym_analyse_coordstate to leverage the symmetries mySyms for improved classification.

f(x) = analyse_coordstate(

    myAnalysedCoordStates = map(x->f(x), myCoordStates)

Finally use analysis results to set CoordState.eClass to assign the entanglement class to the states.


Identify e.g. bound entangled states as

myBoundStates = filter(x->x.coordState.eClass == "BOUND", myAnalysedCoordStates)